Employees, including 78% in France
14 years
Average seniority
A design office recognized for its expertise
A century of experience
Specialized facilities, including 13 in France
A global network of service centers
Partner companies
ISO 14001
A certification policy encompassing the main plants
€6,006 million
Total equity
Shaping the future
Dassault Aviation business model creates value through the use of its resources that produces achievements. These achievements benefit third parties through financial and non financial contributions.
Dassault Aviation creates value by designing, manufacturing, sales and support of business jets and military aircraft.
Dassault Aviation business model is based on a dual civil-military expertise, notably an expertise in technologies for national sovereignty, a passion for technical excellence, a family shareholding and a strong corporate culture.
Its value creation relies on its governance, ethics and CSR, on digital drivers, a transformation plan, programs in cooperation and the “customer first” principle
True to the passion for aircraft and the sense of social responsibility bequeathed to it by its founder Marcel Dassault, Dassault Aviation continues to pursue its mission as an innovative industrial architect, contributing, through its expertise, to the safety, autonomy and sustainable economic development of the key actors shaping a world on the move.